No Spoilers
Hilarious, action-packed trip down memory lane with a few more toys in the box to play with.
Stay after credits?
· There are a few mid-credit scenes and one quick one after the credits.
· Strange how I don't recall a Pixar short before the movie started. That was a bit unexpected
considering Pixar always includes that in the beginning of their movies.
First impressions:
Really!? Another one?! I was happy with how they capped off the 3rd, so why did they need to make another one? Classic Hollywood trying to squeeze every last drop of cash out of its consumers.
Walking out of the theater:
Not disappointed AT ALL. Hit all the feels, and was cracking up the whole time. Wow, I didn’t know Pixar movies could be that funny. I mean literally L O L
Was hoping they wouldn’t make a sloppy move with such a beloved story (no pun intended). They closed the book so well that I didn't see a need to open it up again. Every addition to this animated toy universe was well written. No filler and plenty of laughs. Seriously – I did not expect it to be THAT funny.
I like Bonny, the new Andy. Her story of coping with her first days of school was an excellent alternative to the Andy story, and also full of toy-filled potential. Since I grew up as a kid watching these movies, I feel a sense of nostalgia to be taken back to Andy’s house for more play time. This film also offered additional backstory to the original gang and we even learn a few things along the way.
Excellent villain in this one as well. I feel, personally, that a hero’s tale is only as good as the villain's. It’s weird how one could actually admire the villain much more than “Stinky Pete” or “Lots-O Huggin Bear”. However, I do miss "Zerg" though...
Keanu Reeves was hilariously fantastic as Duke CAboon, and who doesn’t love the comedic stylings of Key and Peele. It’s a loveable cast with some excellent additions. Tony Hale, you may know him as his role as Buster in Arrested Development, was the perfect comedic cast and actually almost stole the show.
Woody is the focus and Buzz for once doesn’t dominate the spotlight. Even though I love Buzz and even dressed up as him on Halloween, I was alright with him taking a side-line seat for once.
In Closing:
This is an expansion of the toy universe as well as the human one. Great morale and character development along the way. “Listen to your inner voice and also use it”. We learn more about the consciousness that resides within all of these walking and talking inanimate objects. I guess you could say the introduction of the toy, “Forkie”, really helped separate the difference between a toy and trash.
Date Flick? - Perfect date flick. I mean, you really can’t beat a Pixar movie.
Great Flick? - Phenomenal! I’m absolutely watching this one again very soon.