Amy Poehlers’ take on the movie, Groundhogs Day. A comical, Twilight Zone-esque ride through a New Yorker’s party life and then sorting through her dirty laundry and closeted skeletons.
This series does not exactly fall within the bucket of family friendly though - I will say - considering there is a toppled stack of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
“Gotta get up, gotta get out, gotta get home before the morning comes” – becomes a familiar tune after it is branded into your memory. Why? Because this song is heard over-and-over again by Natasha Leon’s character every time she relives the same night. It all starts again at the same spot– the bathroom mirror of her birthday party. If you've seen the movie Groundhog's Day with Bill Murray, then you can definitely catch the parallels here. Pitchfork had a pretty good take on that.
With some twists and turns along the way, Natasha is struggling to figure out how she can close that cyclical death loop which she is inevitably stuck in. Her goal: to push past this inevitable loop without experiencing death after death in a Final Destination-kind-of-way only to lead her back to the same bathroom mirror of her birthday party.
Lovable actress, Natasha Lyonne, has this Long Island, hustle-and-bustle charm to her. In a way she kind of reminds me of Lucille Ball with how she talks and carries herself – except there wasn’t quite as much vulgarity in the “I Love Lucy” program, that is for sure. Lyonne’s character may be a rats-nest of trouble, but you seamlessly fall in love with her tangled life and root for her as she searches for her way out.
Sleuthing, mystery, and also learning a little something about herself along the way in the hopes to find a solution to her inter-dimensional time-traveling predicament. Although this story didn’t need 8 episodes to find the resolution, I'm glad they didn't go for the 10. But the added layer of depth was stimulating enough to resume and it definitely didn’t feel dragged on or spread too thin. It’s extremely cool that I stayed interested considering we’re talking about the same costume and setting over-and-over again, you know?
Although I really liked this series and was impressed with how interesting and funny it was (over and over), many of the questions within the story felt unexplained or left open ended. I’m obviously not gonna spoil the show for you, but I got a feeling that Amy Poehler wanted the audience to figure out some things on their own.
Great Flick? – Yes, I would recommend!
Date Flick? – Perfect date flick, and one that is fun to talk out.