A lush, romantic tale on a tropical island overshadowed by corporate greed. This movie tastefully captures the vision of Childish Gambino’s latest hit tracks, “This is America” and “Feels like Summer”. Along with Rhianna, Donald Glover paints a romantic story of an underdog musician pouring his heart out to his island community.
Although the story of the underdog musician has been told before, this was displayed in a tantalizing light - especially when it is starring Rhianna and Gambino. Personally, I felt like Glover’s charismatic facial expressions and song performances really drove this movie home and was better uplifted with Rhianna’s supporting role. Wish we heard some vocals from her, but the spotlight was definitely for Gambino.
Is it just me or was there like no hype for this movie whatsoever? I don’t recall seeing a trailer, social blurb, or even an Instagram ad. Glad I had a friend to recommend this one to me. Hopefully I can be that friend to you as well! This was a treasure to find on Amazon Video, so way to go Bezos. Just glad that my parents have an Amazon Prime account so that I could catch this one. Investing in a Donald Glover movie was an A+ move on their part.
Yea give this movie a watch and tell me what you think. If you’re a fan of Childish Gambino and his music, then you are going to like this movie a lot. I felt like the message was there and overtones of black empowerment was great. “This is America” expands beyond the initial music video, and you can get a taste for the “Summertime Magic” that came out a while back. At the end of the day this is a long music video, but with a keen eye for detail. It’s no wonder that this was the vision of the director/producer of Atlanta.
So I think we can all agree that Glover is a genuine Renaissance man. Am I right? Comedy, acting, and music - what more can you ask? Considering I’ve been following Glover on as Troy Barnes in Community, his stand-up comedy specials, and his recorded albums. He's such a talented individual that it is a thrill to follow him through his artistic journey. I really respect his craft and integrity.
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Date Flick? – Absolutley. It's a classic, lovey-feely date flick. It had that rom-com feel good to it.
Great Flick? – Yep! I’m a Childish Gambino fan so naturally I liked it. Aesthetically it had framing elements similar to Atlanta, which I enjoyed the feel good romance between his character and Rhianna's. It felt genuine and believable.