A focus on the foot that landed that one small step for mankind. I truly didn’t know the back-story of Neil Armstrong outside of his successful mission to the moon. There was plenty of focus on his home life and long journey to the moon. To see the NASA administrations early space craft and perspective of the space race was pretty interesting.
If you’re expecting one long movie about the mission to the moon, think again. There were plenty of missions that had to take place before the long trip to that rock which spins over our heads. Before seeing this movie, some people were telling me that it was long and drawn out. Although this film is a bit long and full of drama, I wouldn’t say anything was unnecessary.
YOU KNOW Ryan Gossling, he’s one of those most excellent, dramatic actors that always has that dreamy look in his eye. He usually communicates with silence and subtle smirks.
I was geeking out about the build up to the Apollo mission. This movie covers most of the Gemini missions leading up to the Apollo mission, so you know that there are some guinea pigs and sad things along the way.
Look, I’m a geek when it comes to space so this movie was cool to me. To most other people, they will be asking where’s the action and the explosions? When are we finally get to the scene where they go to the moon? To those viewers I say, walk away. This isn’t your movie.
I can understand why some would say this is a long movie, but I liked it. The perspective within the space crafts, the motion sickening shots, the actors performances. Oh yeah… motion sickening shots... If that throws off your stomach, there are a few scenes that may make your stomach do backflips (caution). But that’s space for ya!
To get into the helmet of one of our first astronauts was super interesting and educational. They didn’t delve into any of the Moon Landing hoax stuff, and only hinted at the Soviet’s progress. I did like how they briefly touched on the protests against NASA and how they were spending a ridiculous amount of money. Leon Bridges makes a cool cameo during that scene so keep your eyes and ears open! Long movie, but well done.
Would I see this movie again? Probably not. I got all I wanted out of it and learned a few things along the way.
Date film? : Nah. Go see a rom-com or something like that. I heard “A Star is Born” is a good one for a date, but I haven’t seen it yet.
Great film? : Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is going to be up for nomination during award season, but some may not like it.