That badass Dothraki warlord from Game of Thrones is now Aquaman.
Not gonna lie, Jason Momoa actually made Aquaman look cool. I feel like over the years, Aquaman gets laughed at and was never truly taken seriously. However, this aquatic superhero is a badass Rockstar.
Although I enjoyed Momoa in this role, I felt like the villains were lame. They all have these origin stories that I’ve heard over and over again. Avenging a dying father's wishes or fighting your evil brother for the throne. Speaking of villains, I thought the armor suits looked silly and bulky. Almost similar to the villains from Might Morphing Power Rangers. LOL I will say though; the trident fight scenes were dope.
Atlantis had a look and feel similar to Fern Gully or Avatar if you’ve seen those movies. It was cool to see all the sharks, sea horses, and whales that were ridden like horse-back by the guards of the city. You know what… In some ways, the kingdom of Atlantis kind of paralleled Marvel’s, Wakanda (..forever). They did supply plenty of depth with the underwater universe though which I thought was pretty neato.
The cinematography would be my main praise for this movie. Every shot and snippet could have been a movie poster. The script however was formulaic and cheesy, but also with a little too much Hollywood glam. Wish there was more depth instead of all the cheesy dialogue that would take you out of the magic of what you were seeing.
BTW - Pitbull's cover of "Africa" by Toto was hilariously misplaced in this movie. HAHA
Date Flick ? : Yea, this would be a good date flick. There was a strong female role in this movie even with all the macho-man wrestling and fighting.
Great Flick ? : Nah, not a great movie, but a cool looking one.